Support at Home
Adults as well as children need to look after their emotional wellbeing.
Please find activities below that families can complete individually or as a family together.
If You Are Worried About Your Child
Parents or carers can always approach their child/children’s class teacher if they have any mental health concerns. This will be cascaded to the Mental Health Team for assessment. In addition to offering universal support within school, we may also discuss with you any additional support mechanisms from external support agencies.
Please click on the below link to see our Mental Health Provision Map, which supports the assessment process of pupil wellbeing.
Enfield's Early Help Directory
Click on the image or this link Enfield Early Help Directory for find services to support children, families and community members including: counselling services, support with substance misuse, training and devleopment, activities and clubs, support with homelessness, parenting classes and much more.
Mental Health Concern for Yourself
If parents or carers have a mental health concern about themselves they are most welcome to discuss this with Miss Samantha Powell, the Mental Health Lead, in confidence, who can signpost them to support agencies.
Useful Links / Support for Parents

This NCL Waiting Room has been in development for some time led by the Tavistock. It is open access to the public so any child, young person, parent and professional can access this.
It provides a full catalogue of emotional wellbeing and mental health support across North Central London
Mental Health and Wellbeing Book List
Please click below to access a list of mental health and wellbeing books that may be useful for you and your child.
Dealing with anxiety
With featured advice and resources from The Children's Society, Tutorful have written this expert guide for parents to help children understand, cope and become strengthened by their experiences of anxiety at a young age. Please click on the image below to take you to the website.
Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)
What is EBSA?
Worrying or anxiety is a normal feeling that we all experience from time to time. It can even keep us safe from harm or help us perform in difficult situations. However, sometimes anxiety or excessive worrying can become a problem especially when it stops people doing what they want or need to do. Many children and young people worry about school. This is normal. Anxieties are part of life and learning to deal with them is part of growing up. However sometimes a child’s worries may lead to difficulties attending school. If your child has high levels of anxiety and does not want to attend school they may be experiencing Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
For more information, please click on the West Sussex Information Booklet and feel free to speak to a member of the Inclusion Team.
Charlie Waller Memorial Trust - Mental Health Support
Practical, proven and positive information about Mental Health from the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust.
Wellbeing Action Plan for Children
Young Minds
Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with over 25 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools. They provide mental health support through one-to-one and group counselling using tried and tested methods backed by research. Please click on the image to take you to the website.
Anna Freud
However you're feeling, Childline is here to help. Take your mind off things with games, use our tools to find ways to cope or get creative and let your feelings out. It’s all in your handy toolbox. Please click on the image to take you to the website.
Ollee - a Digital feelings friend
Ollee is a digital friend for ages 8-11 – created by Parent Zone and funded by BBC Children in Need. It helps children explore feelings around school, family, friends, the world and much, much more.
Ollee asks how you’re feeling and offers ideas about what to do. If you're not sure, Ollee will help you figure it out. Children and parents can both create and connect Ollee accounts – to share advice together. Try Ollee in a web browser or download the app to your device.
Watch the video below and click on this link for more information: Ollee
Video - Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?