Spelling & Handwriting
At Hazelwood, we believe that being able to spell age- and curriculum-appropriate words correctly, plays an essential part within our overall English vision. Good spelling enables children to express themselves clearly, accurately and effectively in all areas of the curriculum. In order for children to develop into effective and confident writers, they need to develop a wide variety of spelling strategies. We believe that by allowing children opportunities to develop their ability to spell broad and ambitious vocabulary across all areas of the curriculum, we are enabling them to become more effective communicators.
At Hazelwood, we teach spelling objectives through the Spelling Shed scheme so we use repeated practice, short-term retrieval and small-step goal achievement to promote spelling improvement. Weekly teaching of spelling is also supported by a vast array of technology-driven games that the children access weekly for homework to practice a given spelling rule.
At Hazelwood, even in this technological, computer-literate age, we believe that good handwriting remains fundamental. Our aim at Hazelwood is for all children to develop a joined, fluent and legible style of handwriting which enables their writing and ideas to be communicated effectively. Additionally, we believe good handwriting is important to foster a sense of pride and respect in their work, which promotes our school values of responsibility and ambition.
At Hazelwood, our handwriting sessions follow the guidance and expectations of the National Curriculum using the PenPals Handwriting Scheme. Handwriting is taught once per week and is followed up by practice sessions. Children are taught the correct posture and pencil grip throughout the school. At Hazelwood, work towards all children writing with an ink handwriting pen by the time that they enter Year 5.