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Hazelwood Schools is proud to be a member of many different school partnerships.

Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership (ETSP) 

Hazelwood Schools is one of the newest members of the Enfield Town Schools’ Partnership (ETSP), a group of 22 Enfield schools representing over 7000 children within the borough, working together in partnership to improve the outcomes for all pupils and communities within the group.

Mr Newham, our headteacher, is the current chair of the ETSP. 

The Vision of the ETSP is:

To deliver relevant and engaging programmes and events for children and young people to help them thrive, especially those facing additional challenges in their lives. We forge collaboration between our member schools, and partner with other organisations, to identify and respond to our community’s needs in a holistic way.

For more information, please visit


Haringey Education Partnership (HEP) 




Although we are an Enfield School, we aim to support our school community and staff in the best way possible. In 2020, a decision was made to buy into HEP for Hazelwood’s School Improvement Partnership.

There are now over 25 Enfield Schools forming the Enfield Education Partnership (EEP). These schools work together to ensure that each of our schools are continually improving for the benefit of all of our children, including the following priorities:
– School Peer Reviews
– Support with Curriculum and pedagogy
– Establishing reading and assessment networks
– Support for staff and leaders at all levels

For more information, please visit

Enfield Local Authority 

Hazelwood Schools is proud to be part of the Enfield Primary Heads Association (EPHA) – a group consisting of all Primary Schools in Enfield. This group meets to discuss key priorities of the Local Authority as well as specific to individual schools through networking groups.

Enfield Local Authority also continues to provide its statutory duty to all schools, including quality assurance visits from School Improvement Advisors, moderation across schools and SEND support.