Parents' Association HPSA
Hazelwood Parents and Staff Association (HPSA)
who are we & what do we do?
HPSA is a registered charity run by a group of parent volunteers who organise fun events for our school community in order to raise much needed funds for our schools.
Over the years, HPSA has paid for:
- the installation of interactive whiteboards in many classrooms
- our fabulous Forest School area and resources
- new audio visual equipment for school performances
- green and sensory areas for play
- updated our IT provision with the purchase of additional Chromebooks
- KS1 and KS2 gym equipment in the playgrounds
We also fund smaller, but just as important things, such as resources to support children with varying additional needs, new musical and sporting kits, school garden maintenance, workshops to support kids with well-being and emotional guidance and much more.
The HPSA Committee
We are really grateful for the hard work and dedication of a small group of parents who give up their time to be on the HPSA Committee.
Please see below to view their profiles.
The HPSA Committee
Chair – Anna Morris
Anna has worked in events and catering for over 20 years and has her own cafe; Anna's Courtside at Conway. Anna has three boys (two of whom are still at Hazelwood) and has been involved in HPSA for over seven years. She loves getting involved in all the school events lending her creative ear (she can often be seen carrying a pink flamingo!). She is always looking for like-minded organisers to help plan and facilitate HPSA events
Vice Chair – Hannah Buckley
Hannah has had children at Hazelwood for over ten years - her youngest is now in year four. She has been on the HPSA committee for the last three years and is an expert raffle organiser- you will hear her shouting out the prize numbers at every fete! She loves the fetes and the amazing community spirit they generate. Through HPSA she has made some great friends and can’t wait to create some more joy for the children and their parents this year.
Treasurer – Amy Sheehan
Amy is our Treasurer. She can often be seen wheeling her trolley of cash floats round our big events, so if you volunteer to run a stall at our fair and bazaar you will get to know her face! She has three sons (one of whom is still at Hazelwood) her two older sons have now left. So not only has she been involved in school for quite a while, it looks like she has many more years here to come!
Assistant Treasurer – Andree Antoniades
Andree is an accountant and is very excited to have joined the HPSA committee last year. She will be putting her money-counting skills to good use in assisting Amy with her Treasury duties. She has a son and daughter (one of whom is still at Hazelwood). Andree is very happy to be working with such a wonderful team and she is looking forward to the wider HPSA community raising lots of money at all the fun-filled events to keep her busy counting!
Tasha Back - Sponsorship and Grants
Tasha is Mum to a year 3 child at Hazelwood and has been involved in HPSA as a class rep from reception. She is passionate about finding funding for improved outdoor areas, response to climate challenges and bringing fantastic art facilities to the school. Tasha has worked in feature films and TV for 20 years. She has lived in Palmers Green for the past 6 years and is also a member of the Palmers Green Action Team.
Eva Koniavitou- Committee Member
Eva was a professional ballet and contemporary dancer and currently teaching ballet to kids and adults. You may have seen her on stage at one of our Pantos - make sure you look out for her this year!! She is a mum with twins girls in year 2 and has been involved in HPSA since day one of the girls starting. She loves to help make our school a better place for our kids.
Joe Fowler - Committee Member
Joe is a TV Producer who has a son in Year 1. He has lots of experience in organising big events for work and is looking forward to bringing his experience to all the future HPSA events. I enjoyed helping out loads last year and am excited to be part of the committee. Joe is a whizz on the computer and is our creative design guru. He has been busy designing all our amazing colourful posters.
Joe Newell - Committee Member
Joe has been working as a freelance TV Producer for almost twenty years, having made several programmes for the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5. This is his first year with HPSA but, with a child in year 1, hopes there will be many more! Joe is our cake stall and baker extraordinaire. He heads up our cake stall at our big events. Love baking? Make sure you make friends with Joe! His cakes are not to be missed!
How you can help?
HPSA relies on parents and members of HPSA to all help where they can. This can be from simply attending events or you can take a more active role in helping to organise events like the quiz, disco's, movie nights, Christmas and Summer Fetes.
Every class in the school has two HPSA class reps who coordinate class activity – such a volunteers to man the class stalls at the summer and Xmas fayres.
To oversee it all as a charity we also have a yearly voted-in committee of parents who volunteer their time to be Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
If you feel you can help please get in touch via, follow us on Facebook and instagram, come to one of our twice-termly meetings
All parents at the school are welcome.
We always need new ideas, fresh faces and different perspectives and really welcome any support you can offer!
Please click below to watch a video of the amazing work of HPSA and the whole parent community last year:
Summer Fare 2024
We were incredibly lucky in the end that the weather stayed dry and enabled us to have a fantastic Friday evening filled with fun and laughter, tombolas and bouncy castle, lots of food and drink and plenty of games. And not forgetting the amazing MC Grammar was in the house (well Rowan Hall to be precise!) to entertain hundreds of children.
I am delighted to announce that the fete made an incredible £6,500!
Huge thanks to our wonderful HPSA team for their amazing organisation and teamwork to make the fete such a success! You are amazing!!
The Christmas Fare 2023
The Christmas Fare was an absolute hit on Friday 1st December! We had the cold weather so wrapped up as warm as possible to enjoy the huge array of exciting things on offer. Food and drink, games, bouncy castles, HPSA merch, tombolas, hampers, exciting stalls and, of course, a visit to Santa's Grotto ensured that everyone had a fabulous time last Friday.
Huge thank you to Anna Morris and her amazing HPSA team. The money raised will be going towards an interactive outside games board, as requested by the school council on behalf of all of the children.
For more photos, please see here: Christmas Fare 2023
HPSA Newsletters
December 2023 Newsletter - Christmas Fete
July 2024 End of Year Newsletter
November 2022 Newsletter 2 - Christmas Fete
December 2022 Newsletter 3 - Christmas Fete
June 2023 Newsletter 4 - Hazelwood-on-Sea Summer Fete
July 2023 Newsletter 5 - A Thank You from HPSA
Hazelwood Parents Staff Association (HPSA) is the registered charity (296649) of Hazelwood Schools whose aim is to organise fundraising events and initiatives to provide additional finance for the educational and social development of the children who attend the Schools.