All homework can be accessed via Google Classroom. Please click the image below to access it.
The first set of homework for Year 1 will be uploaded onto Google Classroom on Thursday 14th September. The children will receive their Google username and password in their yellow reading records next week.
Expected weekly homework - maths and spelling
Expected weekly homework will be found on Google Classroom and will usually require online completion. Homework will be set on a Thursday and be expected to be completed by the following Tuesday.
Optional Creative Projects – Homework Grid set half-termly
We recognise that some parents and children would like more homework than that offered above. As a school, we wish to stay true to our intent and therefore we will provide an optional homework grid on Google Classroom for children in Year 1 – 6, which will contain a variety of creative tasks from different subject areas including, but not limited to, the following:
- Science
- Geography
- History
- RE