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At Hazelwood Schools, we value the importance of Art and its impact on children’s personal and creative development. 

We know that Art skills, particularly drawing, play a huge part in the progress of all areas of learning and that children thrive when given opportunities to express themselves creatively. It is our intent that Art at Hazelwood inspires awe and wonder through enriching experiences and a purposeful curriculum. Learning is built through weaving, layering and revisiting experiences. enabling our children to leave primary education equipped with a broad knowledge of Art.

Year 2 - Explore how painters sometimes use paint in an expressive and gestural way and explore colour mixing and experimental mark-making, 

The aims of our Art curriculum are:

  • To provide real, relevant, immersive and purposeful opportunities for children to develop their own ideas by exploring a variety of media, techniques and approaches
  • To develop new technical skills in drawing, painting, printing, sculpture and collage by building on prior knowledge and experiences
  • To provide opportunities for children to be inspired by a range of great artists, enabling them to build their knowledge of different art forms and movements
  • To use the language of art to evaluate and communicate ideas
  • To enable children to draw upon the work of, and the media, techniques and approaches used by, artists to create and evaluate their own work
  • To explore and develop own ideas through the creative use of sketch books


“I don’t think I’m very good at drawing but it has improved when I copy other artists.”

“I enjoyed making pictures with natural objects that I found outside”

(Year 2 children)


Year 3 took part in an amazing Art workshop with the very talented artist Laura McKendry. They explored and played with charcoal drawing big marks and using their whole body to draw. On big sugar paper they created a stormy sea scene focussing on expression. It was creative, messy and full of fun! 

“I like to be creative because there are no rules. You can be freer in art.’”

“I really like learning about typography because you can use different shapes and styles to create emotions.”

(Year 5 children)