Art Exhibition - Year 1, 3 and 5
Following the successful art exhibition for years 2 and 4 last half term, we held our second Art exhibition this time for Year 1, 3 and 5. All year groups have all been "Working in 3D".
Year 1- Making Sculptural Birds
In Year 1, the children have combined their making and drawing skills to create wonderful birds. Inspired by a range of artists and using a range of media including oil pastels, water colours, pencils, crayons, the children carefully recreated ‘feather’ like drawings before creating a collage of their work on a foam board resembling the bird’s body.
Year 3- Stories Through Drawing & Making
In year 3, the children have been taking inspiration from different artists and illustrators. They looked at Quentin Blake’s characters in more detail and created their own sculptures inspired by his work. They used different techniques to construct and model their 3d pieces then used acrylic paint to finish and add details to the sculptures.
Year 5 – Set Making
In year 5, the children created their own model theatre sets. They started by looking at the work of Rae Smith – set designer for the production War Horse and then looked at the sets of other big theatre shows like The Lion King and Les Misérables. They discussed how the set created the atmosphere for the production and helped tell the story. Using the stimulus of either Under the Sea, the Jungle or the Savannah, they sketched plans for a set and then created them using shoe boxes, paint, construction materials, fabric and their imaginations.
The whole school visited the art exhibition and were very excited to see the work of our artists. It was also wonderful to see so many parents attend the Exhibition after school!
The artworks were all absolutely amazing! We have very talented artists at Hazelwood!
Click here to see all the amazing artwork this term!