Hazelwood's Got Talent 2023
The sun was shining and the talent was all around as we had a huge turnout of children, parents and carers for our amazing Hazelwood's Got Talent Final 2023! The 9 finalists, all who had made their way through from the class rounds to the semi-finals in their houses and then onto the big stage for the final, all performed brilliantly, with real confidence, bravery and showing off their talent. Cheered on by the huge crowd, who had been able to buy lots of yummy cake, candy floss and popcorn thanks for generous donations from parents and HPSA, the finalists performed in front of our four judges: Sidrah, our Chair of Governors; Steve, our former HPSA chair and ever-present member; Martin, from our friends at Anthony Webb Estate Agents; and our very own Mrs Pearson!
Winners were chosen from each category (Year 1 & 2, Year 3 & 4, Year 5 & 6) but, in truth, everyone was a winner on this fabulous occasion.
Huge thanks to Miss Bispham and Miss Hammond for supporting the acts to get to the stage, Steve Rawlinson for technical support and Miss Powell for organising and hosting the final!
Lots of photos and videos can be found by clicking here: HGT 2023