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At Hazelwood, we are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our children at all times. 

We are all responsible for creating a culture where our children feel safe in an environment where they can thrive in every aspect of their development and education.

Our Designated Safeguarding Team is: Samantha Powell (DSL), Josh Newham, Erina Komodromos and Crissy Walls.

Safeguarding encompasses a wide range of areas:

  • Staff recruitment, vetting, appointment and training
  • Volunteers, trainees and visitors to the school
  • All aspects of child protection
  • Site security and safety, including fire procedures
  • Risk assessment of all activities, trips and residential journeys
  • E-safety teaching, learning and procedures
  • Medical and first aid procedures
  • Behaviour, bullying and restraint
  • Equalities and discrimination
  • Radicalisation and Extremism
  • Female Genital Mutilation to protect children and women

Schools have a legal duty to look for signs of abuse and report suspected cases to Social Services, who will then carry out any necessary investigation. At Hazelwood, we take this matter very seriously, using the local authority’s guidelines in carrying out our duty of care to our children.

Staff Training

Staff receive training regarding child protection every year, ensuring every member of staff is fully aware of when and how to raise a concern. Further training and updates on other areas of safeguarding are given regularly, for example, online safety, prevent training and first aid.

Use of Images (School)

At Hazelwood, we love to share with parents the many exciting learning opportunities the children experience. When your child starts at Hazelwood Schools, and for the duration of their education here, parents/carers will be asked to complete a permission form to allow images of your child to be published by the school on the school's website, newsletters or in press releases. If you would like to change your parental preference at any time, then please contact the school office.  

Use of Cameras and Digital Images (Parents) - 'THINK BEFORE WE POST'

Hazelwood Schools are happy for parents and carers to take photos and videos at school events for personal use but please could we remind you that these images must not be distributed or put online unless they are only of your own children. This is to protect and safeguard all members of the community.

How do I report a concern?

You can approach any member of the Child Protection Team and mention that you are concerned for the safety of a child. If you don’t feel able to approach the Child Protection Team directly then please speak with any member of staff – they will know how to follow up your concern.

What will happen next?

The concern will be logged with the Child Protection Team. You may be asked to fill in a concern form and speak with a member of the team but the original person you spoke to will come with you if you want them to.

What does the Child Protection Team do with my concern?

It is hard to say exactly what will happen because it depends on what has been reported and whether or not similar concerns have been expressed. Sometimes concerns can be cleared up by talking with the child or the parents. Sometimes children will be actively monitored for further concerns. More serious concerns may be passed on to Social Care or even the police.

How will I know that my concern has been followed up?

Although the team will not be able to discuss details with you (due to confidentiality), they will be happy to let you know that it is being dealt with. 

Will people know it was me that raised the concern?

Staff will try to ensure confidentiality for you however confidentiality cannot be 100% guaranteed. The first concern is, and always will be, the safety of the child.